Lydia had been living in supported accommodation when she was first introduced to Knowsley’s Floating Support Scheme.
She was anxious and worried about moving into a general needs tenancy but felt that she would better manage if she had someone independent to help her to access local services and help her to resettle into the community.
With the support of SHAP’s Floating Support Service, and particularly her support worker, Lydia managed to increase her confidence by accessing support for her health by sourcing her local medical centre and in turn taking responsibility for her own general health and promoting her own independence.
Lydia learned how to manage a budget, something she had never done before. She learned how to stay on top of her finances by setting up her own online banking and paying her bills directly. Her support worker helped her to become more confident to manage all aspects of her tenancy.
Lydia can now look to the future and has taken up a place at the local college and is working towards a Level 2 qualification in child care.
Lydia says that without the support she has received from SHAP’s Floating Support Service she would not be as confident as she is today. She says she has learned how to live alone without being lonely.