
How we measure quality

SHAP is an ISO 9001:2015 certified organisation, we use the standard and our quality management system to demonstrate our ability to consistently provide support to service users and clients that meet their requirement and the expectations of our funders and other stakeholders.

In June 2014, we set up a Quality Group which audits and evaluates our performance against our stated policy and procedure. The group consists of ex-service users and staff from across the organisation and they help us maintain our ISO 9001 accreditation.

ISO 9001 requires every one of the organisation’s key procedures to be audited by the Quality Group over the three year accreditation period.  An ISO 9001 external auditor audits all of our schemes, as well as our central and management functions.

Each scheme, setting or service is audited by members of SHAP’s Quality Group over a three year period. The organisation’s most important procedures are reviewed by them, staff are interviewed and checks undertaken to ensure that SHAP adheres to both the procedures and the standards cited within each of them on a day to day basis.  Discussions with staff include how things work in practice and they are asked to provide evidence to show that they are adhering to the organisation’s Quality Management System.





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